Key Takeaways:

  • Professional website design builds a reputation and attracts more customers.
  • Goals shape your design choices.
  • Website design and website development are two very different skill sets. The same person should not be creating both. 
  • Website builders and templates cost more.  
  • All websites are not created equally. Custom websites are best.

Websites that Convert

75% of visitors judge a business’s credibility based on its website’s design.

Three out of four users consider a business’s credibility linked to its website’s design. Creating a website that converts visitors into customers or achieves your desired goals involves a combination of strategic thinking, usability considerations and most importantly,  professional website design.

The design of your website can have a significant impact on the reputation of your business. A WebFX study found that 75% of users judge a company’s credibility by its website design. A professionally designed website can help your business improve its reputation and attract more customers. 

Compared to most website builders, custom websites offer higher functionality, flexibility and design. Every detail of a custom website can be tailored to meet your specific business or personal needs. Using a professional agency is more effective and cost-efficient. 

While it may cost more upfront, they will get it right the first time and charge a one-time fee. A website builder platform will charge a fee every month or every year until the end of time and make you do the work. And if not you, the assistant who has no knowledge of design. 

Here’s a step-by-step process to create a high-converting website.

1. Define Your Goals 

Before you start designing your website, clearly define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your website? Are you looking to generate leads, sell products, increase brand awareness, or provide information? Understanding your goals shapes your design choices.

2. Know Your Audience  

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Create detailed user personas to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your design to meet their expectations and address their concerns.

3. Simple Navigation   

Create an intuitive navigation menu with clear labels. Users should easily find what they’re looking for with clarity. A well-structured menu can prevent visitors from bouncing off your site. We recommend starting with a sitemap to organize your content logically. 

4. Create Clean, Strategic and Engaging Design  

Your website’s visual design must reflect your brand and resonate with your audience. The look, the tone, the feel, all must be on-brand. Use your brand guidelines, that is your brand’s consistent color palette, typography/fonts and imagery. Design must be clean, uncluttered, and aesthetically pleasing. Website design and website development are two very different skill sets. The same person should not be creating both. 

If you have decided to create a website yourself, using a template, chances are someone else is going to select that template, too. Don’t be surprised if it shows up somewhere else. Creating a custom website is best.

5. Prioritize User Experience  

A seamless user experience is vital for conversion. Optimize page loading speed, ensure mobile-friendliness, and maintain a clutter-free layout. Use intuitive forms and buttons, and keep important information above the fold so it is visible without scrolling.

6. Create Compelling Content  

You have 7 seconds to capture attention. Write high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with your audience. Make it digestible. Craft clear headings, subheadings and bullet points to make your content scannable. People skim to see if it’s worth their time to read on; make your content count. An engaging and informative website is essential for any business operating today.

7. Use High-Quality Images and Videos 

The brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text.  Utilize high-quality images and graphics that complement your brand and message. Visuals can greatly impact user engagement and conversion rates. Ensure they load quickly to prevent slow page speed.

8. Make it Mobile-Responsive 

With a substantial and growing amount of users accessing websites on mobile devices, a responsive design is essential for providing a seamless user experience and improving conversion rates. Responsive web design ensures that web pages render well on a variety of devices and window sizes, from the smallest to the largest display size, to ensure usability and customer satisfaction.

9. Implement Calls-to-Action (CTAs)  

Design attention-grabbing CTA buttons with contrasting colors. Use persuasive copy that fuels action, such as “Get Started,” “Learn More” or “Subscribe.” Place them strategically throughout your site.

10. Build Trust 

If possible, incorporate trust signals such as customer reviews, testimonials, certifications, security badges, and guarantees. Provide clear contact information and privacy policies. A trustworthy website is more likely to convert visitors.

11. Optimize for SEO 

Ensure your website is search engine friendly. Use relevant keywords in your content, meta tags, and image alt text. Create a clean URL structure and use header tags appropriately. Regularly update your content to stay relevant in search results.

A website that converts effectively is a combination of user-centered strategic design, clear objectives, and continuous optimization. It transcends industry. By following these principles and staying responsive to user feedback and analytics, you can create a website that maximizes conversions and drives business success no matter your industry.